Book designer, trademarks, glass painter. Born 2 October 1865 in Münster. 1879: began apprenticeship as a glass painter with Anton von der Forst, Münster. 1884: began studies in painting at the Berlin Kunstakademie. Influenced by English Pre-Raphaelites and William Morris. 1895: ‘Lechter strove to combine art and craftsmanship and exemplify the Jugendstil ideals. Began his friendship with Stefan George and started working with the circle of artists around George who contributed to the Blätter für die Kunst….The friendship with George steered Lechter to his interest in book illustration.’ (www.getty) 1896: his first exhibition brought him critical success. 1897-1907: ‘Stefan George founded the Blätter für die Kunst for the publication of his own works, and his friend Melchior Lechter illustrated all George’s books…’. ( , 1970) 1897: book decorations for ’s Ulais and ’s Das Jahr der Seele brought him fame as a book designer. 1900: awarded Grand Prix at the Paris World’s Fair for his painted glass windows at the Cologne Kunstgewerbemuseum (Pallenberg Saal). 1909: with the publisher Otto von Holten in Berlin, founded the Einhorn-Presse (first publication: ’s Herrschaft und Dienst). 1910-11: traveled in India, Ceylon and Burma which intensified his interest in theosophy and Buddhist mysticism. ‘The five works from his Einhorn-Presse (Unicorn Press – 1905-35) stuck to the symbolism of the turn of the century, towering magnificently, though oddly, into an era which was practical, romantic, and individualistic.’ ( , 1966, p. 106) By 1934: member of the Berlin Akademie der Künste, department of fine arts (die bildende Künste). Died 8 October 1937 in Raron, Valais, Switzerland, Switzerland.
Writings by
- Über die Symbolik im Panis Angelorum, Berlin: Otto von Holten, 1908 (lim. ed.).
Writings about
- 1956 ,
- 1963, pp. 51-3 ,
- 1910-66: , ‘Die neue Buchkunst’, in , Das moderne Buch, Stuttgart: Krais, 1910, pp. 271-300
- ‘Die Einhorn-Presse, Die Bücherstube, 1923, pp. 135-8 ,
- Einhorn Press bibliography, Die Bücherstube, 1923, p. 180 ,
- ‘Eugen Diederichs. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der neuen Deutschen Buchkunst’, Imprimatur, 1939/40, pp. 17-32 plus 4-p. inset ,
- ‘Die neue Buchkunst in Deutschland’ (typographic design changes), Imprimatur, 1939/40, pp. 105-28 ,
- ‘Die deutsche Buchillustration’, Imprimatur, 1939/40, pp. 129-44 ,
- ‘Die Entwicklung des Buchumschlages’ (bookjackets), Imprimatur, 1939/40, pp. 145-59 ,
- ‘Schriftkünstler von heute’, Archiv für Buchgewerbe und Gebrauchsgraphik, Leipzig: Deutsche Buchgewerbeverein., Jan. 1939, pp. 59-70 ,
- ‘The Art of the Book in Germany…’, in Book Typography 1815-1965, ( , ed.)., London: Ernest Benn, 1966 ,
- Melchior Lechter als Buchkunstler, Cologne: Greven, 1966 (includes bibliography) ,
- Melchior Lechter (monograph), Recklinghausen: Bongers, 1966 (includes biography) ,
- 1967-present: and others, The Turn of a Century, 1885-1910, Cambridge, MA: Houghton Library, 1970
- Melchior Lechter der Meister des Buches 1865-1937 (exh. cat.), Amsterdam: Castrum Peregrini, 1987 (early title pages, bibliography) and others,
- Mein Weg mit Melchior Lechter, Amsterdam: Castrum Peregrini, 1987 ,
- Melchior Lechter und Stefan George: Briefe, Stuttgart: Hauswedell & Co., 1991 , ed.,
- review of Melchior Lechter und Stefan George: Briefe, Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte, 1994, p. 384 ,
- ‘Melchior Lechter and book culture circa 1900’, in and (eds.), Kingdom of the Soul/Symbolist art in Germany 1870-1920 (John W. Gabriel, tr.), Munich/London/New York: Prestel, 2000, pp. 285-9 (and illustrations) ,
- ‘Schrift und Typographie im 20. Jahrhundert’, Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 2000, pp. 257-87 ,
- ‘Der Buchkünstler Melchior Lechter als Gestalter von Exlibris’, Illustration 63, Aug. 2001, pp. 64-6 (inc. photo of ML) ,
- 2006 (includes auction records, 1997, 2004) ,
- Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie, Munich, London, New Providence: K.G. Saur 1995- (from 1997: Munich only)., 1997
- Deutsches Museum für Kunst in Handel und Gewerbe 1909-1919 (exh. cat.), Kaiser Wilhelm Museum Krefeld and Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum der Stadt Hagen, publisher: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Ghent, 1997., 1997 (see ‘Buchgewerbe’ index) and ,
- Fritz Gurlitt Gallery, Berlin, 1896, 1905-6, 1908, 1934
- Keller and Reiner Gallery, Berlin, 1902, 1903
- Kunstverein, Leipzig, 1903
- Königlischen Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1909-10
- Landesmuseum, Münster, 1909-10
- Berlin, 1966
- Westphalian Landesmuseum, Münster, 1987/8
- 2000: Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt a.M., Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm.