Posters, illustrations, book jackets, industrial design, logos. Born 24 March 1903 in Bayreuth. 1922-6: studied architecture at the Munich Technische Hochschule where he met Sigmund von Weech who acquainted him with graphic art and lettering. From 1952: architect at Deutsche Bundespost where he was also responsible for publicity.
Writings about
- ‘Die Buchmarken von Rudolf Niess’, Exlibris, May 1927, pp. 30-33 ,
- ‘Rudolf Niess’, Exlibris, 1936, pp. 27-31 ,
- Marken und Signete, Stuttgart: Julius Hoffmann, 1957. ,
- ‘Rudolf Niess’, Gebrauchsgraphik (International Advertising Art), Berlin: Phönix Illustrationsdruck und Verlag GmbH (later: ‘Gebrauchsgraphik’ Druck und Verlag GmbH), 1933-71. Published from Munich from 1950., Aug. 1953, pp. 44-7 ,