Stefan Salter


Book and jacket design. Born 28 September 1907 in Berlin. 1926: went to London and studied at the County Council School of Arts and Crafts: typography, printing and bookbinding, the latter under Douglas Cockerell. 1928: emigrated to New York. 1932: moved to California where he read (foreign) books for the story departments of Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers, and worked with printers. 1937: returned to New York and began his career as a book designer, having been trained by his brother George Salter. Until 1942 worked for the printer American Book-Stratford Press, New York. 1943-64: designed books for Pantheon Books, New York. Became a U.S. citizen mid 1930s.

Writings by

  • From Cover to Cover: The occasional papers of a book designer (essays from several trade journals), Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1969.

Writings about

  • Ronald Salter, Fritz Kredel. Das buchkünstlerisch Werk in Deutschland und Amerika, Rudolstadt: burgart, 2003.