Glossary of terms found in names of schools
(Many of the art schools noted in this reference changed their names; the most recent name may not be indicated.)
- Angewandte Kunst: applied art
- Bildenden Künste: fine arts
- Buchgewerbe: book trade/craft
- Fachschule: special(ist)/technical/training school
- Gebrauchsgraphik: advertising art, design
- Graphische Künste: graphic arts
- Hochschule: college, technical college
- Höhere…: higher…
- Höheren Graphischen Fachschule (Vocational high school for graphic art)
- Königlichen: royal
- Kunstgewerbeschule: art school, applied arts, arts and crafts (commercial art, not fine art)
- Landeskunstschule: provincial State art school
- Meisterschule: master/advanced school (after initial training and apprenticeship)
- Reklame: advertising
- Schrift: calligraphy, lettering, or script, or printing type
- Staatliche: State (school)
- Technikum: institute of technology
- Werkkunstschule: school of arts and crafts
- Werkstatt: workshop
- Zeicheninstitut: design institute
Bibliography of schools of art/printing
See Georg Kurt Schauer, Deutsche Buchkunst 1890 bis 1960, Hamburg: Maximilian-Gesellschaft, 1963, pp. 30-31, for:
- Meisterschule für Graphik und Buchgewerbe, Berlin
- Werkstätten der Stadt Halle; Kölner (Cologne) Werkschulen
- Meisterschule für Deutschlands Buchdrucker, Munich
- Höhere Fachschule für das Graphische Gewerbe, Stuttgart.
- AIGA: American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York.
- BDG: Bund Deutscher Gebrauchsgraphiker (Association of German Advertising Artists/Designers)
Names in bold in the text indicate a cross-reference. The ä, ö and ü appear in their normal English positions, as a, o and u (not ae, oe, ue). I have used ss for the German ß.